Wednesday, 27 August 2014


3 days ago I was buffeted in a powerful extraordinary  powerful storm. I had a damaged wing with no feathers on it. I was found on a rocky beach shore by some friendly villagers. I was devastated when I discovered I couldn't fly. luckily the village people looked after me. They demonstrated how to fly by flapping their outstretched arms. Now it was my turn I thought flying might be exciting I'm going to give it a try. I sprinted and launched off I flapped my wings fast, up and away the sun was shining brightly on my outstretched wing. I felt magnificent. I was flying over the deep blue sea. I saw allot of snappers zooming past. I  landed back down on the beach shore I felt proud and exhausted. As I touched down on the boiling hot sand I felt extraordinary. The Islanders were jumping up and down cheering for me. I am a flying pelican now I can find my own colony and be together for ever once more.   

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Baby brother description

In room 8 we have been writing on character description about baby brother. Here is mine. 
If you knew my baby brother Junior you would know he is the cutest brother in the world. Because when he talks he babbles and says "goo goo ga ga." He's  always wearing his favourite tiger baby grow. He's only 1 years old. When my mum carries him around she's always playing with his nice curly brown hair. His older sister always gets annoyed and slingshots him, but he doesn't cry he just hits her with his rattle and she begins to cry. He is the best brother I have ever had.